Q: 1
A: 1

Q: 2
A: 2

Q: I am trying to register for an account and I receive an error message of "user name or email already exists".
A: Email address can only be used one (1) time on the system, therefore if someone else is using that email address then it cannot be used again.

Q: I have purchased the Webinar now what do I do to watch it?
A: After you have completed the purchase then click on "My Account" at the top of the page.  Select Webinars and you should see links to each of the 2 hour sessions listed in your account.  Click on the Webinar link to access a Webinar.

Q: I've removed email with webinar link accidentally. How could I restore it?
A: You can find all purchased webinars on the Account page.

Q: What is the best browser to use for viewing the Webinars?
A: You can view our webinars from any web browser......for your convenience, here are a few (to download click on the link):

ChromeFirefox, or Internet Explorer

Q: Why does my webinar link take me to Access Denied (403) page?
A: Webinar link is valid for certain amount of time (check email). Most likely your link has expired. You can check webinar links and their status on the Account page.